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In conjunction with major organizations representing the international automotive remanufacturing industry, APRAhas joined to agree on common and fundamental definitions for essential terms related to remanufacturing, following a meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on September 13th, 2016. Below are the agreed-upon definitions:




  • Remanufacturing is a standardized industrial process* by which cores are returned to same-as-new, or better, condition and performance. The process is in line with specific technical specifications, including engineering, quality and testing standards. The process yields fully warranted products.

    *An industrial process is an established process, which is fully documented, and capable to fulfill the requirements established by the remanufacturer.

  • 再制造属于一项标准化的工业流程*。该项流程能够将旧件修复如新,甚至比新产品拥有更好的条件和性能。其中涉及的各项工程、质量和测试标准与已有规格一致,且产出产品拥有所有授权担保。




  • A core is a previously sold, worn or non-functional product or part, intended for the remanufacturing process. During reverse logistics, a core is protected, handled and identified for remanufacturing to avoid damage and to preserve its value. A core is not waste or scrap and is not intended to be reused before remanufacturing.
  • 旧件,指已经售出,经使用后出现磨损或功能性问题的产品或部件,主要指用来进行再制造加工的产品。在逆向物流期间,旧件受到保护、处理,并得到再制造认证,期间应避免受到损坏,保存价值。旧件不是垃圾或废品,在再制造前不能重复使用。

European associations have further agreed to the following definition:




  • A remanufactured part fulfills a function which is at least equivalent compared to the original part. It is restored from an existing part (CORE), using standardized industrial processes in line with specific technical specifications. A remanufactured part is given the same warranty as a new part and it clearly identifies the part as a remanufactured part and states the remanufacturer.
  • 被再制造过的零部件,其产品性能至少要等同于原件。它是指通过标准化的工业流程,修复现有零部件(旧件),令其达到特定技术规格或标准。再制造零部件的担保证明与新件相同,且会明确标明该部件是再制造部件,并写明再制造公司。

The common language is a landmark achievement inautomotive remanufacturing, and offers a bright future for an industrythat has already benefitted from greater awareness, among policy makers and the general public, in recent years. In 2015, the United States Congress passed legislation recognizing the federal government’s responsibility for outfitting its vehicles through remanufacture. The same year the G7 Alliance for Resource Efficiency declared its support for remanufacturing at a summit attended by representatives from business, government, organized labor, research, and science.


Despite the trend toward official recognition and support for the industry, the absence of unified and codified language to describe key terms, threatened to undermine the gains in automotive remanufacturing. The lack of cohesion led to misunderstanding and sub-optimal growth, as well as competition, rather than collaboration, among organizations representing auto remanufacturers, all with a common goal of growing the industry. Early indications suggest that this state of affairs is over.


As the Asia-Pacific partner of the APRA (Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association), a non-profit trade association representing more than 1,000 automotive remanufacturers, Duxes has a history of engagement with and support for the automotive remanufacturing industry.With the release of the reman terminology, we will take the responsibility of promoting the terms and definitions in China and Asia Pacific area, and inform the rapidly expandingremanufacturing industryof the prospect for increased efficiency, and cooperation with international partners, offered by the new terminology, as well as the potential for futurelegal recognition.


About Duxes Reman Consulting


Duxes Reman Business was started in 2008 afterthe NDRC’sintroduction ofan automotive parts remanufacturing pilot program. Following a partnership agreement between Duxes and the Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA) in 2015, Duxes has assumed the role of the APRA’s Asia Pacific Agency.This platform has enabled Duxes to carry forward its mission of promoting the development of the remanufacturing industry in the Asia-Pacific region, and facilitating industrial relations among remanufacturing companies and related organizations around the world.


Duxes makes use of its industry consulting expertise and unique perspective to provide outstanding services for domestic and foreign remanufacturing enterprises, andis currently the only independent consulting firm focusing on the remanufacturing industry in China. Duxes’ events, which are held annually both within China and the greater Asia-Pacific region, provideinsightful analysis on the latest developmentswithin the remanufacturing industry, and expand opportunities for companies engaged in remanufacturing.



About APRA


Founded in 1941, the APRA is a non-profit trade association, representing more than 1,000 companies engaged in the $35 billion per year automotive remanufacturing industry. The APRA strives to promote the concept of automotive remanufacturing on a global scale, and to facilitate cooperation within the industry, through networking, advocacy, as well as educational and technical services.







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